Click the dice to see a random link! This doesn't always look good... it gets the text by asking the webpage for it so sometimes it's too long or too short ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ same for the image so sometimes that's the wrong size too. That's life!
Note: sometimes links might take awhile to load, our you'll see the same link twice because of how the links are randomly selected - wait awhile then try clicking again 😊
What did I use?

I based the styling on magick.css and (a lot cuter than this) and used link-peek (with some changes to the JavaScript) to make the link data refresh when the link is changed.

And then I realised the link-peek javascript wouldn't work where I wanted to upload this, so I ditched it and went back to using some simpler javascript that just displays an image I uploaded and text I wrote for each site.

Actually, I did get it work by importing it differently! I then uploaded as a bunch of html, css, image and js files to and made some minor tweaks (updating file paths) to make it work. And that's it.